
How we use color

Color plays a crucial role in establishing a brand's identity and creating a memorable visual experience. In this section, we will explore the Core Purple, the color that represents our brand identity, and our Secondary Palette.

Core Purple

The Core Purple is a bold and distinctive color that perfectly embodies our mission to empower builders and deliver truth and encouragement to product teams.

Purple 200

275U / 275C


C98 M100 Y45 K57

R27 G11 B59

Purple 150


Purple 100



C72 M70 Y0 K0

R120 G86 B255

Purple 40


Purple 20


Secondary Palette

The Secondary Palette compliments our Core Purple and allows us to create a harmonious and versatile visual language that can be used across different mediums and contexts. Let's dive in and discover how we use color to reinforce our brand's values and personality.

Lava 200


Lava 150


Lava 100


Lava 40


Lava 20


Mint 200


Mint 150


Mint 100


Mint 40


Mint 20


Mustard 200


Mustard 150


Mustard 100


Mustard 40


Mustard 20


Color Proportions

These numbers are generalizations, but we should be using our Core Purple brand colors along with Base colors, followed by limited use of secondary colors.

40% Core Purples




40% Base Colors




20% Secondary Colors










Gray & Neutral Colors



Grey 50


Grey 40


Grey 30


Grey 20


Grey 10


Neutral Dark


True Neutral


Neutral Light


Core Brand Usage

Secondary Usage

Usage to avoid

Color Frame1.svg

Combine various colors from our palette when using the logo.

Color Frame 2.svg

Use two low contrasting colors together.

Color Frame.svg

Use gradients for anything involving our logo.

Color Frame2.svg

Use a stroke outline in any way with our logo.

When in doubt, use purple, black, or white.

If you don’t really know what to do color wise, keep it simple. Use our core brand colors in the combinations recommended above.

Although we have other colors, the primary colors are the best to use on a recurring basis.